Cloverdale Baptist Church, Grand Bay, marked its 50th anniversary July 27 with an anniversary service that began at 11 a.m.
The anniversary featured the theme “Cloverdale Baptist Church … Yesterday, Today and Forever” with Hebrews 13:8 as the focal Scripture passage.
Pastor/evangelist James Messer welcomed guests and directed the morning service, and former pastor Kenneth Goff delivered the message. Testimonies from church members about the past, present and future of Cloverdale Baptist were given.
John Reid, representative from the Alabama Baptist Historical Commission, was on hand to present the Mobile Baptist Association church with a framed certificate, and Chuck Davis, director of church development and African-American church planting for Mobile Association, presented the church with a certificate.
Also during the service former pastor Harold McInnis was recognized as pastor emeritus.
Following the service everyone enjoyed dinner on the grounds and the dedication of the church’s newly enlarged and remodeled kitchen.
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