Both current members and members “from way back when” gathered at Damascus Baptist Church, Greenville, on Aug. 16 to celebrate its 175th anniversary, according to church secretary Bettie Huckabaa.
The celebration service, which began at 2 p.m., included singing by Madison Castleberry and David Norrell, both of whom have close ties to Damascus Baptist. Interim pastor Danny Duncan emceed the service that primarily featured a time of sharing from current and former members and former pastors.
Butler Baptist Association Director of Missions Allen Winn wrote a letter to accompany the plaque that was presented to the church. A presentation also was made by Dalton Campbell, Alabama Baptist Historical Commission representative.
A display of historic pictures, documents and memorabilia was arranged in the fellowship hall for participants to enjoy. Huckabaa said the day was marked by “a lot of history unfolding and a lot of history brought back to life.”
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