DALLAS — GuideStone Financial Resources has produced a video outlining the nation’s current market volatility and responses that long-term investors should consider, including remaining calm in the face of daily news, keeping a long-term focus on investments and maintaining diversification in age- and risk-appropriate investments.
David S. Spika, global investment strategist for GuideStone Capital Management, LLC, narrates the video and said stock market declines and rebounds should never be the reason for long-term investment allocation changes. He said markets are constantly going through periods of correction and rally.
“We (at GuideStone) believe that what is happening now is simply a needed short-term correction and not the beginning of a bear market,” Spika said.
Bear markets are declines in the market exceeding 20 percent that last for a year or more and almost always occur in conjunction with an economic recession. Spika said GuideStone does not currently see signs of a coming recession and is encouraged by current economic data. For more information, visit guidestonefunds.com and browse the “News & Insights” tab.
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