Harpersville pastor publishes book on church life

Harpersville pastor publishes book on church life

Billy Ray Johnson, pastor of Lighthouse Community Church, Harpersville, in Shelby Baptist Association, recently wrote a book titled “Simple Living in a Complex World.” The book addresses life as a “country” church pastor.

Johnson ministered in large churches for 21 years before accepting the pastorate at Lighthouse Community. The book is filled with humorous stories about the culture shock Johnson encountered in the transition from the big city to small-town life. “In the country, when the pastor visits folks, if you don’t stay for a meal, your visit is considered way too short,” he said.

Johnson gives advice to pastors serving in small churches on how to simplify and realign life to how God intended it to be. “Simple Living” is self-published through WinePress Group and is available at barnesandnoble.com, Christianbooks.com and Amazon.com.