Hearing God in a Noisy World

Hearing God in a Noisy World


Hearing God in a Noisy World
Timothy L. Owings. Macon, Ga.: Smyth and Helwys, 1998. 119 pp. $16.99 (hardback).

One of a spate of new books on prayer, this work highlights “prayer as listening.” From a rich pastoral background plus graduate study at Southern Seminary in Louisville, Ky., several years ago, Owings explores God’s answers “yes,” “no,” “wait” and silence — and our response to them. He is the former pastor of Calvary Baptist, Tuscaloosa, and current pastor of First Baptist, Augusta, Ga.

Saying Goodbye to Your Grief

Hardy Clemons. Macon, Ga.: Smyth and Helwys, 1994. 86 pp. $8.99 (paperback).

Quite frankly, this book about dealing with death and dying is superb. Based on sound psychology and correct theology, this production deals in a most practical manner with such issues as the anatomy of grief, stages in the process, grief’s timetable and getting on top of grief. Clemons is pastor of First Baptist, Greenville, S.C.