While performing concerts and leading worship at events, Hearts of Saints desires to point audiences straight to God’s truths.
“We can’t write better lyrics than the Scriptures,” lead singer Craig Felker said. “It’s so great when everyone is singing and worshipping together. After hearing these songs, we encourage people to dig deeper into God’s Word and see where the songs come from.
“So many of our songs are based on fresh expressions of Scriptures, because the words are alive and active. We’re not trying to re-write them. We are just trying to write a fresh expression around them.”
All of the songs on their album, “For All of Us,” are designed to encourage, equip and engage conversations about the gospel.
“The songs are really intentional and designed to unite believers because when brothers and sisters are gathered together, the Lord dwells among their praises,” Felker said. “These songs are designed to encourage believers and hopefully remind them how valuable and loved they really are. The songs also can be a powerful tool to share the gospel and explain that our salvation is not based on works. … Because of what He has done, we are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.
“This record is about Christ’s work and our victory in Him. The world says do, but Christ says done. He has accomplished everything for us. The theme of this record is identity, and to really understand identity you have to understand the gospel and the impact it has on your life. … When you begin to grasp just how much God loves us, you start operating out of that adoration.”
Remember and respond
By incorporating Scriptures into their songs, their goal is to help people remember, reflect and respond to the gospel message.
“As we have been leading these songs, God has been reminding me about His characteristics — what it means to be His child and how my identity is found in Him,” Felker said. “God is absolutely holy, absolutely just and yet calls me His child. Because of who He is, His Word tells me who I am. When the Father looks at me, because of Jesus He sees His own son’s blood. That is a radical mindset. Apart from Jesus, I am nothing. … It says in Romans 8 that nothing can separate us from the Father’s love. When everyone is singing these truths together, it is such a powerful moment as we respond to the author and perfector of our faith.”
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