Hiding in a ‘safe place’

Hiding in a ‘safe place’

First Baptist Church, Tuscaloosa, members Buddy and Buna Woodruff, age 83 and 79, took refuge from the April 27 tornado in their hallway. Within a few seconds, the home they had occupied for almost 53 years was completely devastated, but neither suffered a scratch.

“When James Spann (ABC 33/40 meteorologist) said it was time to be in our safe place, Buddy and I got chairs and went to the hallway,” said Buna. “When it hit, Buddy pulled me down against his chest and put his head over mine.
We just held each other until it stopped.”

Their entire neighborhood of 17 homes was demolished, as well as several adjacent areas, but no one in their neighborhood was killed.

“God is in control and we know he protected us through this,” Buna said. “We’re giving Him all the credit for keeping us safe.” (TAB)