Boots Hildebrand (center in photo) hasn’t been to the annual Alabama Association of Baptist Secretaries (AABS) conference all 48 years. But she’s really close — she has been there the last 47 of them.
Hildebrand, who retired in 1991 after 30 years as secretary of Brewster Road Baptist Church, Birmingham, and now attends Crossroads Baptist Church, Warrior, was honored with a cake and plaque presentation during this year’s meeting, held Feb. 28–March 3 at Shocco Springs Baptist Conference Center in Talladega.
Nearly 180 secretaries participated in the meeting. Author and speaker Page Hughes of Westwood Baptist Church, Alabaster, was conference leader, and Westwood Baptist’s worship leader, Kevin Derryberry, led music.
New AABS officers were elected during the meeting. Renee Rizzo is the new president. (TAB)
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