Hodges, A. Gerow

Hodges, A. Gerow

Church: Dawson Memorial Baptist Church, Birmingham

Favorite Bible verse: “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Favorite hymn/Christian song: “At the Cross”

Hobbies: Civic work with organizations and charities

Family status: Married to Mary Louise, two sons, six grandchildren, five great-grandchildren

Andrew Gerow Hodges is someone you should know because he is a 41-year Samford trustee who arranged prisoners of war swaps during World War II that returned more than 149 American, British and French soldiers to allied forces. Over the years, Samford University has made two films about his exchanges called “Thank You Mr. Hodges” and “For One English Officer.” Recently, the chapel at Beeson Divinity School was named for him.

Q: What led you to do the exchanges?

A: I was in a National Guard unit in Birmingham but had a football injury (and could not serve in the war). I saw so many people losing family and friends I thought I should do something for the war effort. I was a senior field director for the American Red Cross, went overseas and was called in and shown a couple of letters that POWs were in dire need of food, clothing and medical supplies.

Q: What did it demand of you?

A: I had to arrange the whole thing. I had the support of the American military. I had a lot of help.

Q: What did you get out of the exchanges?

A: I was given two Bronze Stars, the highest awards that could be given to a civilian. It was wonderful to see the faces of those men who had a hard time in prison with very little food and not very much comfort when they realized they were free again.

Q: How did your family feel about the exchanges?

A: They were very proud.

Q: How has this affected your life?

A: It [affected it] to a great extent just knowing that these men were free. I talked with four of them last year. We try to keep in contact. I talked with 12 of them that they [Samford] brought here [to Birmingham] for a big dinner on Jan. 25. It was good to see them again.