Hughes, Page

Hughes, Page

Page Hughes is someone you should know because American Mother Incorporated (AMI), a national group based out of Washington, named her Alabama’s Young Mother of the Year.

Q: How did you become Mother of the Year?

A: A lady who had been a former Alabama Mother of the Year asked if I would allow her to put my name in for it. I had to answer a written interview process answering questions that come to the crux of motherhood based on the involvement with family, church and community. In the national competition, I also had to do a speech answering how I as a mother help God bless America.

Q: What does this activity demand of you?

A: On a weekly basis, I mentor a group of moms in life skills. The overall goal of this organization is to strengthen the morals and spiritual foundations of the home, which is why I knew that this is where God wanted me.

Q: What has it taught you?

A: I think that God has put me here as Mother of the Year for such a time as this. We are not head of the home, but we are the ones God has put there to be the filter. The hand that rocks the cradle is the one that rules the world.

Q: How will you be involved in this activity in the future?

A: AMI has asked me to be on the national board. I will continue to do what I have always done, trying to teach women to be what God intended them to be in their homes.

Q: How has it changed you?

A: It has continued to open my eyes to the needs of mothers and has equipped me not only to be a better mother but also a better mentor to others. I want to affect the lives of people for eternity by teaching moms to lead their children to Jesus.