The more I read and hear the pros and cons debated on immigration, and especially by churches, pastors and The Alabama Baptist, I get more concerned about where we as Christians are going.
I am appalled that we would not support the laws of our country. Have we reached the point that we can pick and choose the ones we wish to obey and pay no attention to the ones we do not want to obey?
I cannot, for the life of me, understand why we cannot minister and witness to illegal immigrants but, at the same time, see that they are returned to their home country.
I have no problem with people wanting to come to my wonderful country and find a home, but I am morally, religiously and lawfully opposed to coming illegally.
Let’s encourage the illegal immigrants to come as millions of other people have through the legal process.
I was born during the time that people were still waiting their turn on Ellis Island to come in legally. I still remember, as a child, seeing pictures of those people; they came according to the law, and most have made wonderful citizens of our country.
We have so many bleeding hearts that our country is being ruined.
Thank you for allowing me to express myself as many years a Christian first and Baptist second.
Virginia Selman
Huntsville, Ala.
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