India evangelist returns to Alabama, reports health improvements

India evangelist returns to Alabama, reports health improvements

Marketing executive. Evangelist to the lost souls of India. Stroke victim healed after complete speech loss. Edgar Sathuluri has walked all these roads, plus some.

But as far as he’s concerned, that’s perfect. “God didn’t say to go once, then make disciples. It’s a lifestyle: As you go, make disciples along the way.”

To Sathuluri, more going equals more disciples. And he has left literally thousands of them in his wake.

When he came to Alabama Sept. 15 exactly three years after flying to Birmingham from India in 2000 for treatment of major medical problems- he left behind the 3,500 disciples in India he has seen come to the Lord since 1997.

But Sathuluri got to visit some that he had not seen since regaining his native tongue- those who lives were changed by his witness during his Birmingham hospital stay, even while he couldn’t talk.

“Even with his speech gone, his smile communicated a confidence in God that ministered to all around him,” said Roger Willmore, pastor of First Baptist Church, Boaz. “He never lost confidence in the Lord, never lost peace that God was in control and never stopped being a witness for Christ.”

Edgar’s is a ministry of multiplication, Willmore said. The evangelist understands that the investment of his life in others is the way to continue the expansion of God’s Kingdom.

“When I’m given the pulpit, my main concern is to draw the people back to God and a total commitment to surrender,” Sathuluri said.
While here, he will preach in 45 services- many in Alabama Baptist churches- during a 45-day ministry-intensive visit to eight states.

“When I had the illness, one naturally tends to feel his ministry will collapse. But not so- because I have made disciples and passed off the baton,” Sathuluri said.

In the three years since his illness, more than 2,000 people have been disciple through his one-month program, led by village pastors Sathuluri has helped equip.

To read the 2001 story or learn more about Edgar Sathuluri’s ministry, visit, keyword “Edgar.”