First Baptist Church, Haleyville
Winston Baptist Association
Favorite Bible Verse: Philippians 4:13
Favorite Hymn: “At Calvary”
Hobbies: Gardening, doing puzzles and sewing
Family Status: Widow of James; four children, Allen, Jimmy Kent, Tommy and Phyllis; eight grand-children; and 10 great-grandchildren (one on the way)
At 85, Louise Israel isn’t planning on stepping out of her church involvement anytime soon. She is active in Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU) and provides meals for families after a death, among other ministries.
Q: What was your childhood like?
A: My childhood was very good. … I attended a country church with my good Christian parents.
Q: How did you come to know the Lord?
A: I have been exposed to preaching my whole life. I came to know the Lord when a traveling evangelist came into the town where we lived. That is when I made my decision to know the Lord.
Q: How have you been involved in church through the years?
A: I have worked in the children’s department when my kids were growing up. I taught a ladies (Sunday School) class in later years. I do not teach anymore, but I do print the bulletins every Sunday from the master copy that we have. I also work a half-day each month with our Harvest of Hope food pantry. It services up to 200 people each time we do it. I am also very active in WMU — called the Candi Williams Mission Circle at our church. We do missions projects all over the world. We have done (projects in) Ethiopia for the past several years. The group raises goats to provide milk for the people in the country of Ethiopia.
Q: What difference has being a Christian made in your life?
A: Being a Christian has given me peace and happiness in all things. It has given me the desire to help other people. It has also influenced me to teach my family to be good people.
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