Someone You Should Know — Barbara Joiner

Someone You Should Know — Barbara Joiner

Barbara Joiner is someone you should know. In addition to writing a best seller, seven other Christian books and several magazine articles for national Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU), she is a member of the board of directors for The Alabama Baptist. She has also spoken at prayer retreats and WMU training sessions in 47 states and 23 countries.

Q: Why did you begin writing?

A: Most of my writing has been done for WMU. They asked me to write weeks of prayer and curriculum. Later they asked me to write a book and one book became eight.

Q: What does it demand of you?

A: A great deal of time and research and in some instances it has meant actually traveling to places.

Q: What do you get out of writing Christian literature?

A: I get a great deal of satisfaction when somebody reads something (I’ve written) and says I have been struggling with doing missions work and your book helped me. A lot of people read “Count it All Joy” and say I have a new lease on life.

Q: How do your family members support you in your writing?

A: I couldn’t do it without my husband; he is so supportive.

Q: How do you see yourself involved in this activity in the future?

A: I hope that I can continue.

Q: What difference will writing make for you in the future?

A: It’s opened a lot of doors for me. I won’t write unless it opens doors for others.

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