Molly Marshall. Valley Forge, Pa.: Judson Press, 2003. 185 pp. (Paperback).
Believing that much contemporary theological writing tends to neglect the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, the president of Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Kan., points up the strong and clear witness to the Spirit of God in the Bible. In fact, she calls upon more than 250 Scriptural references to help readers understand the importance and relevance of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers and the life of the church, as well as the whole creative process.
Here is one of the author’s penetrating assertions: “The gifts of God in throbbing creation, the bestowal of God’s own Self in Jesus, baptism that plunges us into the life of Christ, sharing in resurrection life, the communion of the saints, and the life everlasting — all these come to realization in the power of new life, the Spirit of God.”
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