Jones, Lettie

Jones, Lettie


Lettie Jones is someone you should know because she has been going on missions trips since her teenage years and is now volunteering as a children’s missions teacher.

Q: Why did you start teaching children about missions?

A: Because if we don’t do it now, nobody will and there will be no one to do it. Children are the next generation of missionaries. If we don’t teach our children about missions and missionaries and the importance of the Great Commission, there will be no one to do it.

Q: What does teaching missions demand of you?

A: It’s not so much demanding, because it is so much of a passion that it’s not really a work.

Q: What do you get from teaching missions?

A: I get the joy of seeing a young person tell someone about Jesus for the very first time and seeing how they just glow.

Q: How do other family members support you?

A: They are so supportive. They are always there when I need help raising funds for different trips. When I get up and talk about it, my dad starts crying, but he understands this love.

Q: How do you see yourself involved in this ministry in the future?

A: I see myself taking not just my daughter but taking a group of children on a missions trip and watching them lead their own trips as they get older.

Q: What difference will this ministry make for you in the future?

A: It will open up doors to reach other lost children.