Journaling with Jesus: How to Draw Closer to God

Journaling with Jesus: How to Draw Closer to God

Carol Round. Bloomington, Ind.: WestBow Press, 2012. 68 pp. (Paperback).

Who doesn’t think prayer journaling is a great idea? Who would like to journal, or even tries, but keeps falling off the journaling wagon? Me too. The author of “Journaling with Jesus” seems to understand and share our struggles; she does little to try to convince the reader of the value of journaling and does a lot to motivate us all to start, re-start or continue journaling. 

Carol Round, a speaker and syndicated columnist, points out in this small, easy to read volume that prayer journaling can help us trace our spiritual journey, recognize how God is dealing with our hearts and clarify our own thoughts, among other things. She issues a challenge to readers to try prayer journaling for 40 days, providing biblical illustrations, practical suggestions and a host of other resources. Although the book stands on its own well, there is a companion volume in the form of a 40-day journal designed to help kick-start the reader and put him or her on a rewarding prayer journaling journey.