The 192nd Alabama Baptist State Convention (ABSC) annual meeting will make its way to Birmingham in November, this time with the theme SERVE.
Held Nov. 11–12 at Lakeside Baptist Church, Birmingham, the annual meeting will showcase the way Alabama Baptists SERVE which stands for — S, starting new churches; E, evangelizing the lost; R, revitalizing churches; V, volunteering to be on mission; and E, engaging culture with the gospel.
Rick Lance, executive director of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions, said the meeting will be a “wonderful ‘family reunion’ type of experience as we gather to celebrate what God is doing through Alabama Baptists.”
“We have never held the annual meeting at Lakeside Baptist,” Lance said. “Pastor Greg Corbin, as well as his staff, has been most accommodating as to the responsibilities of hosting both the annual meeting and the Pastors Conference. This is no small task.”
To elaborate on the theme SERVE, reports will be given by state Baptist entities that will “share stories of how our Lord has used their ministries in Kingdom-impact ways,” Lance said.
The schedule includes guest speaker Robert Smith, professor of Christian preaching at Samford University’s Beeson Divinity School in Birmingham, on Tuesday evening.
“Robert Smith is one of the best loved and most outstanding preachers in America,” Lance said. “His humble spirit and insightful preaching ability resonates so well with Alabama Baptists. … We are blessed to have him with us this year.”
Veritas, a singing group based in Mobile, will provide music for the annual meeting. The group can do “almost any kind of music,” Lance said. “They are at home with the contemporary genre and the classical hymns as well.”
Two theme interpretation sermons will be presented and Tim Cox, pastor of Liberty Baptist Church, Chelsea, will provide the annual sermon. John Killian, pastor of Maytown Baptist Church and ABSC president, will give his president’s address.
“Jesus has called us to be His servants,” Lance said. “As servants for Him, we can make an eternal difference in people’s lives. I encourage you to make every effort to attend this year’s annual meeting as we consider the multitude of opportunities we have as Alabama Baptists to SERVE.”
2014 Alabama Baptist State Convention Annual Meeting
Nov. 11–12
Lakeside Baptist Church, Birmingham
For information on the annual meeting, including schedule, hotel information, auxiliary meetings and messenger cards, visit
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