Lawrence, Geraldine

Lawrence, Geraldine


Church: First Baptist Church, Clanton

Favorite Bible verse: Mark 12:30

Favorite hymn: “Have Faith in God”

Hobbies: Doing things for other people

Family status: Widowed after 38 years of marriage; one son, Harold; one granddaughter and one grandson

Geraldine Lawrence is someone you should know because at age 83 she serves as missions chairman for Woman’s Missionary Union of First Baptist Church, Clanton. She plans the church’s Day of Prayer for the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. She also sends prayer cards to the sick and shut-ins, serves during midweek meals, visits people in the nursing home and delivers meals to people.

Q: Why have you been so involved in missions and ministry?
A: I started years ago in the Woman’s Missionary Union.  I just figured this was part of what I can do for the Lord. I just love people.

Q: What do these ministries demand?
A: It demands my time, but that is what I want to give. I just make the time to do it. I feel like I’m doing the Lord’s work.

Q: What do you get from your ministry role?
A: I get a joy out of meeting people. I just get blessed.

Q: How do other family members support you?
A: My son lives in Georgia. It’s just me here, but I have my friends and my church supports me. I have a lot of cooperation with the work that I do.

Q: How do you see yourself involved in the future?
A: As long as I’m physically able and living here I will probably do this, and I’m in pretty good physical condition.

Q: What difference will this service make for you in the future?
A: As long as I’m serving the Lord, I feel like I’m doing what He would want me to do.

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