Lee County CWJC receives WMU grant

Lee County CWJC receives WMU grant

Lee County Christian Women’s Job Corps (CWJC) in Auburn will be able to enhance its ministry through a grant from national Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU) and WMU Foundation.

Founded by national WMU in 1997, CWJC provides a Christian environment in which women in need are equipped for life and employment through biblical nourishment. 

“We do so much more than just resumés, mock interviews and dressing for success,” explained Lynn Bell, board secretary of Lee County CWJC. “We try to help … each individual grow spiritually.”

Lee County CWJC has had 79 graduates throughout the past six years and serves an average of 20 women annually. They have one paid staff member and 25 local educators who share their skills weekly with participants, plus many additional community leaders and professionals who come for a single session. Each participant is paired with a mentor for six months, and breakfast and lunch are provided daily. 

This site has been awarded $1,116 from the CWJC endowment managed by WMU Foundation. The site will use these funds to purchase new computers and printers for students to use and in recruiting prospective participants and mentors, among other things.

There are 159 CWJC and Christian Men’s Job Corps sites, and several of these serve participants in multiple locations at satellite sites.

For more information, visit wmu.com/jobcorps.