Letter from Guatemala to Alabama Baptists

Letter from Guatemala to Alabama Baptists

We are persuaded that the beautiful and strong fraternal relationship and cooperation that recently emerged between the Alabama Baptist State Convention and the Guatemala Baptist Convention is a work of love from God, who is the One who works in us both to will and to do for His good pleasure (Phil. 2:13).

For us in Guatemala it is very encouraging to count on sensitive arms, hands and hearts to join us in the beautiful tasks of the eternal Kingdom.

 At the moment, pastors from two of the main regions of our country are very excited with this new relationship, and they are transmitting their expectations to their members and leaders.

As a result of this excitement, the southern region, which is already partnered with one of the churches of the Alabama convention, is beginning three new churches in three villages of the area.

Regarding the leadership of our convention, we are so thankful to the Lord for this beautiful answer to our prayers, and we are willing to correspond to this cooperation, too, as we can help you.

We are convinced that the Lord, who is amazingly faithful, will bless the united efforts on behalf of the churches and families in both countries and He will award each one according to his work.

May God bless our conventions and countries!

Fraternal regards,
Pastor Jorge Morales,
President, Convencion De Iglesias Bautistas De Guatemala (Convention of Baptist Churches of Guatemala)