Letter to editor — McGee

Letter to editor — McGee

Pray for our nation

The new leaders for this nation have placed their hand on the Bible and sworn to uphold our biblically based Constitution; it is time the citizens, and especially believers that read and support The Alabama Baptist, add feet to their prayers for a change in this republic’s departure from God’s original intent for this nation of providing a safe environment to worship Him and spread His Word to the world. God through His Word tells us to be witnesses for Him. We can be witnesses not only through our prayers for those in government and those that affect decisions but also if we take the time to write each of these elected and appointed persons expressing a loving witness as to how we believe they have been put in a position provided by God to lead us back to the original intent of our Constitution and citizen government. It can have an effect on their thinking and decision making as well as follow-up. It is time believers got involved with the political processes of this nation with their prayers, stamps, pen and paper, phones and electronic media.

Mac McGee

Pike Road, Ala.