Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

Presidential election

In the upcoming presidential election I feel we do not have a qualified candidate. Both have made terrible decisions in the past. Therefore, as a Christian, I will not vote for [a candidate but] for the party that will best reflect my values.

In the next four years there will be appointments for Supreme Court justices and federal judges. We should consider how the party stands on abortion, same-sex “marriages,” religious freedom and numerous other issues.

As believers we must prayerfully decide how we will vote. We owe it to our children and grandchildren.

Too much is at stake to stay home on Election Day.

Maragem Bealle

Mobile, Ala.

Saddened by article

I was very saddened to read the article “Faith leaders speak out” in the Oct. 20 issue. I don’t think our church paper should have mentioned the name of any politician that is about to be voted on. The Alabama Baptist goes into the homes of Baptists all over the state and may have caused the voters to stay home and not vote. What about tax exempt status if we get political? No names should have been mentioned.

Evelyn Hamrick

Wedowee, Ala.

EDITOR’S NOTE — You may be correct. It certainly would have been safer for us not to deal with the story. However, we thought TAB would be failing in its assigned responsibility to keep readers apprised of what is being said and done in Baptist life on important issues. We decided to do a wrap-up story that led with people continuing to support Trump. That was followed by comments from one of the most prominent Baptist women among Southern Baptists. Then we printed the statements of two prominent Southern Baptist Convention entity leaders who oppose Trump. The story ended with reference to World Magazine — a leading conservative evangelical publication — and Jerry Falwell Jr. at Liberty University. Our attempt was to provide readers an overview of the things being said by evangelical leaders. TAB offered no opinion or endorsements. We reported only what others were saying.

Concerned by Beth moore

I am concerned about the comments made by Beth Moore in the “Faith leaders speak out” article in the Oct. 20 issue. She is not much of a Christian if she holds something against Donald Trump that happened 11 years ago. How does she know he hasn’t been forgiven for all his mistakes and is now trying to do what is right? The Bible says, “Judge not, lest you be judged of the same judgment.” It also says, “Ye that is without sin, cast the first stone.”

I don’t believe she would qualify to cast the first stone. There has only been one perfect person on this earth, and that is Jesus.

Betty Messick

Montgomery, Ala.


The Sept. 22 article “What’s it worth? New study finds religion in US makes $1.2 trillion impact on economy” was very interesting.

My idea is that there is a great difference between religion and Christianity. Religion is a man-designed form of worship while Christianity is a way of life.

Think what an impact would be made on our economy if all Christians tithed.

Edward McCrory

Muscle Shoals, Ala.