LifeWay announces VBS theme for 2014

LifeWay announces VBS theme for 2014

Nashville — Kids will become Agency D3 — discover, decide, defend — special agents during LifeWay’s Vacation Bible School (VBS) 2014 as they collect and log evidence about Jesus.

Using their best high-tech operative skills, they will examine eyewitness reports, physical proof and biblical accounts to uncover and defend the truth about who Jesus really is. By collecting all the evidence they will discover the truth of the gospel; decide to believe it; and then defend that decision.

“D3 is an investigative agency organized to discover if Jesus is really who He claims to be and if the Bible is true,” said Jerry Wooley, LifeWay’s VBS specialist. “We have put together one of the most fun, investigative and high-tech VBS themes ever.”

Beginning Oct. 1, LifeWay will offer a Jump-start Kit for pastors and VBS directors. Materials included in it will help with planning, enlistment, publicity and decorations.

LifeWay will offer VBS leaders several opportunities for training, including preview events in January and February 2014.

LifeWay will host seven preview events to get churches and VBS leaders ready for their events: Ridgecrest (N.C.) Conference Center, Jan. 10–11; Fort Worth, Texas, Jan. 17–18; LifeWay home office in Nashville, (three events) Jan. 30–31, Jan. 31-Feb. 1, Feb. 1; and Kissimmee, Fla., (two events), Feb. 7–8, Feb. 8.

The VBS 2014 theme verse is 1 Peter 3:15: But honor the Messiah as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.