LifeWay reports strong ministry in fiscal 2006

LifeWay reports strong ministry in fiscal 2006

GLORIETA, N.M. — LifeWay Christian Resources reported strong ministry and business results in the fiscal year 2006, with the retail and church resources divisions leading the way.

In addition, the Holman Christian Standard Bible continued to grow in popularity, while more than 5,200 decisions for Christ were recorded at LifeWay’s conference centers at Ridgecrest, N.C., and Glorieta, N.M. LifeWay trustees, in their semiannual meeting Sept. 11–12 at Glorieta, heard reports from each of the Southern Baptist entity’s divisions and approved a record budget of $471 million for 2007. Among pending major developments are the release of the Holman Illustrated Study Bible and the launch of a new Oracle business system in November. LifeWay was expected to end the fiscal year Sept. 30 with record revenues of $447.9 million, 1 percent below budget but 3.5 percent ahead of 2005.