Livingston church builds facilities itself, debt-free

Livingston church builds facilities itself, debt-free

After its building was badly damaged by Hurricane Ivan in 2004, Christian Valley Baptist Church, Livingston, was able to gather enough money and supplies to complete a fully financed self-rebuild. And just two years later, church members were at it again — this time, with a family life center. After seeing its youth and young adult population nearly double the church’s regular 80-member attendance, the Bigbee Baptist Association congregation decided to provide a space for the vibrant crowd to call its own.

But this would not be a normal building project. The church planned to complete the facility through its own labor and with no debt. After 10 months of hard work, the family life center stands with completed exterior, awaiting the fulfillment of its internal works including a kitchen, recreation room and fellowship area. Project completion is expected for fall. Matt Kelley is pastor.