Lost America: What Caring Americans Need to Know

Lost America: What Caring Americans Need to Know

Robert G. Wilkerson. Pinson: Christian Way Press, 2012. 132 pp. (Paperback).

The back of this book declares, “America is on the road to disaster. Unfortunately, many Americans do not see what has been lost or have the vaguest idea of how to fix it.” This book, proclaims the author, will point the way. “It is a must read for all caring Americans.” 

Wilkerson writes well, and this self-published book is well edited for grammar and mechanics. He makes some good points concerning the state of our nation and the actions needed to turn America around. 

My problem with the book is that, although there are 78 footnotes, much of the book is poorly documented, and some information is simply overstated. For example, the author asserts on page 6 that 1 percent of Americans hold 99 percent of this country’s wealth — the popular rallying cry of the Occupy Wall Street movement. 

After carefully searching through a number of trustworthy sources, the most I could find was 35–42 percent of the wealth in the hands of the wealthiest — certainly indicative of income disparity, but far from the 99 percent cited in the book.

Some serious fact-checking and additional documentation of assertions would have been a very good thing, and might have elevated this book to the position of influence the author obviously hoped it would have.