Malone: Tokyo

Malone: Tokyo

Molly had a wonderful teatime with Mrs. “I” April 3. Mrs. “I” was open to talk about spiritual issues and seems to be searching for the truth.

She and Molly plan to get together again in May. Pray that the Lord will work in Mrs. “I’s” heart, drawing her to Himself.

Praise the Lord for 8–10 new students who began classes the first week of April at the Christian Leadership Training Center (CLTC).

With returning students, there are 20–25 students receiving leadership training through CLTC this year. Pray for the new generation of leaders the Lord is raising up to lead the church in Japan into the 21st century.

On March 29, we received word that Russ Eppley suffered a stroke. Russ and Flossie Eppley serve as missionaries in Tokyo with TEAM (The Evangelical Alliance Mission).

We ask you to join us in praying for Russ’ complete recovery. We also ask you to pray for Flossie and the rest of their family.

Kelly, Molly, Maggie and Kevin Malone