Lynn Graham Marshall was saved at nine years old and dedicated his life to full-time Christian service at 13, but at the time he didn’t know exactly what God would call him to do.
The answer came during his senior year of high school. While raking leaves at his house in Chattanooga, Tennessee, God called Marshall to preach the gospel.
Fifty-three years after being ordained as a minister, Marshall retired Aug. 12 as pastor of Concord Baptist Church, Toney.
Marshall also served at Piney Grove Baptist Church, Ardmore; Vestavia Hills Baptist Church, Decatur; and churches in Tennessee and Mississippi.
He served his communities well. While at Piney Grove Baptist and First Baptist Church, Benton, Tennesee, he was a volunteer chaplain for the local high school football teams. He also volunteered for the Limestone Correctional Facility prison ministry.
Even before becoming an ordained minister, Marshall dedicated his time to sharing the gospel. While in the Navy he preached to a men’s Bible study group. He also preached at a rescue mission in New Orleans and volunteered as an associate pastor.
“Always trusting in the Lord and always depending on Him is what has sustained me during my 53 years of ministry,” Marshall said. “The God we read about in the Bible is real, absolutely real.”
Marshall and his wife, Faye, have three children. (Jessica Ingram)
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