Messianic Jews in Israel target of accusations

Messianic Jews in Israel target of accusations

After opposition shut down a meeting center for Messianic Jews in southern Israel in 2017, worshippers there are again being targeted since the center reopened, sources said.

Ultra-Orthodox Jews protested the presence of the center in Dimona, Israel, on Jan. 23 and threatened some worshippers, according to advocacy group Middle East Concern.

Protests on May 4, 2017, by ultra-Orthodox Jews forced a temporary closure of the center where Messianic Jews meet for conversation, coffee and tea. The protesters also damaged property of the center’s leaders, one of them told Messianic news outlet Kehila News Israel. Those incidents, however, led to dialogue with locals and at least six opportunities to explain to a rabbi why they believe Jesus is the Messiah, one leader said. (MS)