Ministers’ wives to hear Kay Warren

Ministers’ wives to hear Kay Warren

Southern Baptist ministers’ wives will celebrate 50 years of annual gatherings Tuesday, June 21, in Nashville. The theme of this year’s Ministers’ Wives Conference Luncheon is “Be aglow with the Spirit serving the Lord,” based on Romans 12:11.

Kay Warren, wife of Pastor Rick Warren who serves at Saddleback Community Church, Lake Forest, Calif., will speak about being a purpose driven woman during the luncheon at the Nashville Renaissance Hotel at 11:45 a.m.

“Kay is a breast cancer survivor and ministers to AIDS patients. She will have a lot to talk about,” said Ginny Whitten, president of this year’s conference and wife of Ken, who serves as pastor of Idlewild Baptist Church, Tampa, Fla. She noted that the luncheon is open to all wives of ministers.

For information, call LifeWay’s event registration office at 1-800-254-2022 or visit
