By Chip Warren
Minister of education, FBC Albertville
Has your church ever had a new member or newcomer who left because he or she was never assimilated? Here are a few tips on assimilation.
Tip #1: Avoid the attitude of “It’s their responsibility to make friends and fit in.” New people need to make some effort, but we must bear the primary responsibility.
Tip #2: Time is of the essence. Assimilation experts tell us we have about a six-week window before they are out the back door.
Tip #3: Be sure the new member/regular attender connects with a group in the church. For most it will be a Sunday School class or home Bible study group, but it could be the choir or any other group.
Tip #4: Get them plugged into some kind of service or ministry. New people want to be asked and to get involved. It would need to be an entry level type of service — greeter, usher or food service. For obvious reasons, teaching the Bible or working with children comes later.
Tip #5: Create opportunities for new people to make friends. There is a huge difference in friendly churches and ones where it is easy to make friends. (
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