Ministry Tips — Situational Awareness — Applied to the Local Church

Ministry Tips — Situational Awareness — Applied to the Local Church

Interim director of missions, Morgan Baptist Association

Truth Discovered

Several years ago I became aware of a new term — “situational awareness.” 

Floyd Craig, a communications specialist whose son is a pilot and author of aviation books, taught the term to me. He explained that aircraft pilots must have an awareness of everything that is going on around them. 

In addition to being alert to all of the cockpit controls, a pilot must be aware of weather patterns, runway configurations, other aircraft and many other issues if he intends to fly his plane safely. 

I realized “situational awareness” is something all pastors, staff ministers and lay leaders also must have in the context of the local church. 

Truth Applied

A good idea may be a truly good idea. A program that is needed may truly be needed. The provision of a building addition may truly be important for the future ministry and growth of a church. 

However, there are always many other factors to be considered. Confidence that God initiated the idea, the program or the building addition is foundational. 

Additionally the environment (culture) of the church in its present circumstances, sincere regard for the current members and a view toward those not yet reached also are vital considerations.

Decisions must be made and directions undertaken at the right time in the right way for the right reasons. In order to align those things, leaders must be “situationally aware.”