Ministry Tips — Use a Fall Festival For Outreach

Ministry Tips — Use a Fall Festival For Outreach

Minister of education, FBC Albertville

Many churches of all sizes in our state have some type of fall festival. If you are not intentional about outreach as you plan the event, it will become just another fun event for your church. The outreach aspect will not happen unless you plan it. Here are a few suggestions on how to make your fall festival outreach-driven.

  • Train your church members to have gospel conversations as they mingle in the crowd.
  • Make candy/prize packets that include information about your church and a gospel tract. There are many “Halloween” themed gospel tracts for kids but also include adult gospel tracts.
  • Register all who attend. Train the registration team to be sure the card is complete. Be sure there is a place to indicate whether the person attends church anywhere regularly and if so where.  
  • Develop a plan to follow up with those who have no church home.  
  • Have a “live stage” with a kids/family gospel presenter or entertainer, Christian band, etc. Even those who may not sit in chairs in front of the stage are hearing the gospel.