Missionaries share ways to ‘wash the feet’ of those in the field

The Church must make a point to care for missionaries spreading the gospel to the nations. Here are some tips from those serving in the missions field.
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Missionaries share ways to ‘wash the feet’ of those in the field

EDITOR’S NOTE — This is the third of three articles on the importance of missionary care. Read Part 1 here. Read Part 2 here.

By Marianne Colee
Somerville, Alabama

Ministering to a missionary who is serving in the missions field or who is home on assignment is a great way to show care to the missionary family and combat compassion fatigue. I talked to several friends in the missions field about ways the Church can “wash their feet.” Some of the following are word-for-word from friends on the field.

  • Offer to watch kids. Plan for it and find a time.
  • Send them on a pre-planned date night with childcare. Send them with cash and instructions to spend it, splurge and have fun.
  • Contribute financially however you can, even just $5.00.
  • Send care packages. This is especially helpful near Christmas. Be sure check how long your package will take to reach the country. Some will take six weeks.
  • Supply funds for something special or a need that has come about like fixing the car or a much needed getaway. You’ll have to ask what they need. Give them freedom to answer and don’t be shocked at the price. You can also send what you can. Getting a group together to help fund bigger items makes it easier.

Check in

  • Check-in with apps like Marco Polo or WhatsApp. Be OK listening to the yucky stuff. Don’t act like everything should be OK for me (the missionary) or that I will damage your perception of missions work, the field or God.
  • We have a “care couple,” and that has been great for us! This couple calls us individually every month, and we Zoom together every few months on a call with all four of us at a regularly scheduled time. They ask us direct, deep questions that we formulated together with them before leaving for the field. They hold us accountable to answer the questions each time. It’s not like going to the principal. It’s encouraging, and we can ask the same questions right back to them!
  • Life groups could adopt a couple to pray/send packages/Zoom. People can sign up to be responsible for checking in because they care, and it’s helps us not to feel forgotten.
  • Ask me how to pray specifically and actually pray. Intentionally reach back out and follow up with what was prayed about.
  • Be trustworthy and someone I can be raw with and someone who will give me wise counsel and vice versa, a kind of friend consistent in their love and support.

Be sensitive

  • Financially ministering is asking, maybe multiple times, what the person needs without asking for an account of how the money was spent. No strings attached.
  • Someone serving where I didn’t know I needed it. A meal. Helping with ministry. Taking a piece off the load on my plate and implementing things on a personal level to help life be easier.
  • Invest in my kids. Involve them. Get to know them.
  • Encourage us in our marriage.
  • Provide for a retreat.
  • Come for a visit!

There are so many ways to care for your missionary. You must do it, even it requires a sacrifice on your part.