Directors of missions (DOMs) for Baptist associations across the state gathered for their annual meeting Nov. 12 and focused on ways Baptist work is strengthened as associations promote interaction with other Baptist agencies.
Some 209 people including directors of missions, their wives and guests were hosted by Willowbrook Baptist Church in Huntsville and Madison Association DOM John Long. President Bob Thornton (Etowah Association) led the annual meeting emphasizing the theme “The Task Is Not Ours Alone.”
Guest speaker Scott Chafee of the International Mission Board discussed ways ministers and laity can serve internationally: career (which also includes missionary associates and apprentices), short-term (four months to two years) and volunteer (one week to four months).
“It is an exciting time to be involved in missions,” Chafee said. Concerning the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, he noted, “People are saying, ‘If God has called me, this does not change His calling.’ ”
After Reggie Quimby of the State Board of Missions introduced some 40 Baptists who serve as state and regional coordinators for the Mission Service Corps (MSC), retired DOM Neal Wyatt told how MSC volunteers benefited the work of Carey, Clay, Randolph and Covington associations.
In another example of Baptist co-operation, two-thirds of the associations in Alabama team up with The Alabama Baptist to deliver their newsletters on a page of the state Baptist newspaper. Associations not using that arrangement were invited to try it.
Following the evening meal, Samford University recognized two DOMs as 2001 directors of missions of the year: among metro associations, Jim Jackson (Elmore); among rural associations, Ben Chandler (Tennessee River). Christian artist Donna Allen, a member of First Baptist Church, LaFayette, presented a musical drama, “Mary’s Song.”
Participants voted to change the beginning and ending times of the annual meeting so they can attend the evening session of the Pastors Conference. The following officers were elected for the coming year: Charles Wynn (East Liberty), president; Jim Warren (Colbert-Lauderdale), president-elect; Mike Anderson (Mobile), secretary-treasurer; and Ricky Creech (Birmingham), host DOM.
The organization of DOMs’ wives — Mission Belles — elected the following: Patti Wallace (Cahaba), president; Mary Jane Barnes (Fayette), president-elect; Betty Jackson (Elmore), secretary-treasurer; and Charlotte Collins (West Cullman), historian.
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