Mitzi Eaker

Mitzi Eaker

The Church at Brook Hills, Birmingham
Birmingham Baptist Association

Favorite Verse: Lamentations 3:24 

Favorite Hymn: “The Solid Rock”

Hobbies: Running and time with family

Family Status: arried to Shane; two sons (4 and 6 years old)

Mitzi Eaker served at national Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU) from 2002 to 2010, her last six years as children’s resource team leader. She started Mitzi Jane Media ( to help small businesses, nonprofits and individuals understand how to use social media and create and implement online marketing strategies. She also has written two devotional books: “Missions Moments” and “Missions Moments 2.”

Q: When and how were you led into your work as a social media strategist?

A: I started social media consulting as Mitzi Jane Media about a year ago. But it was (more than) seven years ago when I started moving the children’s resource team at WMU to use social media to connect with churches and teachers. Social media networking and strategy planning are just the way God wired me. And today, God has opened up a door for me to share my understanding to help business owners and ministries.

Q: How do family members support you in this work?

A: I could not do this if it were not for my family’s support. … My parents help with the kids. My husband is my copy editor, camera man, videographer and is currently learning how to be a soundman to help with podcasts.

Q: What difference will this make for you in the future?

A: I know that God is using the Strength Social Media Conference that I’m hosting … to open doors for His glory. The beautiful thing about this is I go as a secular business owner and teach, but then they follow me on social media and I share my life with them. They see my faith story in real time.