Mobile Association DOM resigns amid controversy

Mobile Association DOM resigns amid controversy

Mike Anderson, director of missions (DOM) for Mobile Baptist Association, resigned his position effective Sept. 30 following prolonged controversy over associational personnel policies. In a letter of resignation published on the association Web page and addressed to moderator Roger Perkins, Anderson cited personnel issues addressed last January by the association.

At that time the association declined by vote of the executive committee to require associational staff members place their church membership.

In his resignation letter Anderson defends his membership in a church in fellowship with the association and dedicated to its mission and ministries. Anderson is a member of First Baptist Church, Mobile, a church that allows members to designate funds to the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.

Alvin Sullivan, chairman of the personnel committee for Mobile Association and pastor of First Baptist Church, Kushla, in Eight Mile, said Anderson’s resignation was an act of kindness and would promote healing and peace within the association. “I believe him to be a man of character and integrity and concern.” Although the executive committee to date had approved no new guidelines or requirements, the controversy over the issues raised last January had not abated.

Central to these issues was concern that the association, via its leadership, might be “drifting” in a direction not mandated by its churches, according to Ed Litton, pastor of North Mobile First Baptist Church. “Pray for the association,” he said. “We need to find a way to get along and push on.”

Anderson served the association for the past 10 years.