New Hope Baptist Church, Moundville, celebrated its 175th anniversary April 26 and was “very pleased” to have a message preached by Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions Executive Director Rick Lance, said anniversary committee member Sara Brackin. Lance spoke about the importance of remembering the past and using those experiences to minister as Paul did throughout his ministry.
The Hale Baptist Association church began the celebration at 10:30 a.m. with Judson College’s The Judson Singers and Handbell Ensemble performing a variety of arrangements.
Angie Cooper, Alabama Baptist Historical Commission representative, presented the church with a certificate for its years of service and four former pastors and one former pastor’s widow shared about their memories of New Hope Baptist. Hale Association Director of Missions Bill Wallace also spoke.
After the covered dish lunch at noon, the New Hope choir performed special music from 1:15 to 2:30 p.m. for more than 70 participants.
Brackin said, “It was a wonderful day.”
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