Munford’s Stockdale celebrates centennial

Munford’s Stockdale celebrates centennial

Stockdale Baptist Church, Munford, had a lot to celebrate recently with the renovation of its sanctuary and an Oct. 7 centennial.

A representative from the Alabama Baptist Historical Commission presented the Coosa River Baptist Association church with a plaque, and two former Stockdale Baptist pastors, Billy Dempsey and Martin Murray, both spoke to the congregation. Dempsey, who served at Stockdale from 1962–1968, also was present for the church’s 50th celebration, Pastor Kevin Jones said.

A slideshow presentation recognized current staff and church members and honored former members and staff. Former choir members reunited for a special choir presentation. A fellowship lunch followed the worship service for the approximately 200 people in attendance.

Jones preached on “Greater Things Are Yet to Come,” a theme which also served as the church theme for the entire year. He said that a special element of the anniversary was a book the church published about Stockdale Baptist’s history. 

Jones added that a group of people felt led to start the church in 1912 and minister to those around them, and that purpose of ministering to the community continues today.