Between the Hills
Independent, 2018
Thank the Lord 86 people ponied up the $10,000 it took to produce Texas-based singer-songwriter Jordan Whitmore’s debut side project (as Eufaula, her middle name) last year on Indigogo, because “Between the Hills” is fantastic. Beautiful, twangy, slow-strummed country ballads better suited for the porch than the pickup. She says the 10 songs are inspired by the Psalms. That would be an understatement. Half of the lyrics seem lifted directly from David, and the other half might as well be. It works. It’s spiritual. It’s really well done. Here’s hoping for more.
Meet the reviewer
Jeremy Henderson reviews music for The Alabama Baptist. He is co-host of Rich and Jeremy in the Mornings on Wings 94.3 FM, editor of The War Eagle Reader.
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