With the same first name and desire to see lives radically transformed by the gospel, the musical duo Shane and Shane hope their music and message will inspire people to follow Christ.
“We want to proclaim the greatness of God through music,” Shane Everett told The Alabama Baptist. “At our concerts we like to talk about different Scriptures and tell what the Lord is doing in our lives. We always stress the importance of a daily walk with the Lord.”
But the duo’s path to ministry hasn’t always been easy.
How they met Jesus
As a teenager Shane Barnard had many questions about spiritual issues and was searching for truth. After accepting an invitation to attend a church youth group with a friend, Barnard found the answers he was searching for and made a profession of faith in Christ at age 15.
Being the only Christian in his family at the time, Barnard realized the importance of setting a strong example. Through the years his family members also have come to Christ.
Unlike his singing partner, Everett attended church sporadically while growing up, mostly on special events or holidays. It wasn’t until his junior year at Texas A&M University in 1997 that he found Jesus — at a bar in Killeen, Texas, of all places.
To earn extra money during college, Everett played with various bands in bars and clubs.
“I was definitely seeking joy, but it was wrapped in earthly pleasures where I thought I would find fulfillment,” Everett recalled. “I thought that money would bring joy.”
Late one night after a show, Everett reached his breaking point.
“I was extremely tired, and I was done with it — really done with it,” he remembered. “The parties and drinking that went along with this type of life, I was in it head-first.
“One night the lights were off in a bar and I was just sitting there waiting to get paid. All of a sudden they turned on the big florescent lights, and as I looked around, it was just nasty — trash, beer cans and bottles everywhere.”
Everett recalled thinking: “This is my life, and it’s just destroyed. My heart is a wreck. My life is a wreck. I hate all of it.”
At that moment, he said, “I just heard the Spirit of the Lord say to me, ‘Son, it’s time to come home.’”
Right there Everett prayed to receive Christ as his Savior.
How the Shanes became friends
After ending ties with secular bands, Everett was introduced to Barnard and they formed a friendship. Barnard asked to borrow Everett’s guitar for an event, and a few months later they led worship together.
From there, they became an instrumental part of Breakaway Ministries at Texas A&M, a large campus Bible study.
However, just two years after establishing their music ministry, a bizarre accident made them re-evaluate their purpose, focus and mission.
As they were walking out of a restaurant, a massive 60-year-old ash tree split and parts fell into the street, leaving Barnard and Everett tangled in electrical wires and tree branches. A large branch hit Barnard, severely bruising his face and back. Another branch clipped Everett in the leg.
Amazingly, after a few hours at a local hospital, that night they kept a commitment to lead worship. But the effects of Barnard’s injuries lasted a year. His limbs went numb, he had a month-long headache, and his heart mysteriously played “stop-and-start games.”
Holding tight to their faith
During this time of uncertainty, the two relied on their faith in Christ to sustain them.
“Shane Barnard really thought he was going to die,” Everett recalled. “In Hosea 2 it talks about the valley of trouble being a doorway of hope. We were really in a valley, and all we could do was depend on God.”
They spent hours praying and reading the Bible each day. As they grew stronger in their daily walk with Christ, they also strengthened their desire to help bring others before the throne of God.
Now, more than 20 years later, their greatest desire is to see lives changed for the glory of God.
‘Greatest pleasure worth pursuing’
“We are committed to using the platform that music has provided to exhort the Body of Christ in the word of God,” Everett said, “and proclaim that Jesus Christ is the greatest pleasure worth pursuing.”
Barnard added: “Our goal is to point people to what we’re called to do — to love the Lord with all our heart, mind, soul and strength and to set strong examples for our families, leading them to follow Christ.”
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