My Jesus Story

My Jesus Story

By Cheryl Conklin
Union No. 3 Baptist Church, Gadsden

Presenting our pastor, Joey Hanner, with a new “Adrian Rogers Legacy Bible” in late 2016 is one of those Jesus stories I will never forget.

It started with a missions trip in Peru and Bro. Joey’s favorite Bible — the Legacy Bible, an edition published by Love Worth Finding Ministries. He purchased the Bible at the last Pastor Training Institute before Adrian Rogers’ death and planned to establish a legacy of Scripture for his descendants.

Bro. Joey took that Bible everywhere, including missions trips, which is how it ended up soaked by the waters of the Napo River in northeastern Peru.

I serve as the church secretary and he texted me when it happened. He was so upset so I decided I would do everything I could to find him another copy. The Bible was no longer in print but I searched diligently for two weeks and finally heard back from someone who had a copy.

He was very excited to receive the new copy and passed his original copy, dried out and penned notes somewhat preserved thanks to the help of Peruvian missionaries, to his daughter.

And while he still takes his Legacy Bible everywhere he goes, he does put it in a plastic bag now when around water.
It was truly a “love worth finding.” If I’ve ever seen God answer a prayer, it was that.