My Jesus Story

My Jesus Story

By Jenni Ingram
Member, First Baptist Church, Gantt

Imagine if you picked up the newspaper tomorrow and the front page headline read, “Due to immense pressure from retail giants Christmas will be held next week.”

No, that would never happen, but can you imagine the frustration and the furor?

What if at your next checkup your doctor told you they had a new, non-invasive, very intense test that could calculate the exact date and time of your death. Would you do it? Why or why not?

What if it came with a 100 percent guarantee that if it was incorrect by even one minute, you would receive $1 million?

Would that change your decision?

What if you took that test and it said you would die tomorrow at 1:16 p.m.? How would you react to that news? What would you do in response?

There is a song called “Live Like You Were Dying” that makes me think about my life.

There also is a popular movie in which the stars had terminal cancer and each made a list of things to do before they died.

I don’t necessarily advocate doing the things in the song or the movie, but what would your list look like?

I’ve created these scenarios and asked these questions to drive home this point: we are not promised another breath. At any moment our hearts may stop or that car may run the stop sign and end our lives.

If you are saved, Jesus may return “with a loud trumpet call” (Matt. 24:30–35). Just like that, it will be over. It does not matter if you are young, old or in-between.

What matters is if you have been saved. What you have done may matter to those left behind but the only thing that will matter to God is the above. Now, on to my bucket list. No. 1 …