Recognizing both the power of prayer and the urgent need for men to pray, the North American Mission Board (NAMB) is issuing a call for Baptist men to engage in focused prayer in January.
The result could be the largest-ever combined prayer effort by Southern Baptist men in praying for God to do a fresh work among them and across North America.
To help men do this, NAMB’s missions education team has prepared a 31-day prayer guide to lead men in seven areas of prayer: recognize God’s plan for men, a call to holiness, confession and repentance, passion for the church as the bride of Christ, models of missions action, the hearts of men and workers for the harvest.
The January prayer focus comes as NAMB launches the Southern Baptist Convention’s first-ever weekly men’s missions education curriculum.
Baptist Men Online, a weekly e-newsletter available free of charge beginning in January, will include a missions focus article, a personal development article, weekly small-group accountability plans, urgent missions prayer requests and monthly missions meeting plans.
In the past, Baptist Men have used monthly missions education curriculum provided first by the SBC’s former Brotherhood Commission and then by NAMB.
Churches that mobilize men to pray together during January are encouraged to then use the Baptist Men Online curriculum to begin or strengthen a men’s ministry in their church. (BP)
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