New Christian witnessing to others in China

New Christian witnessing to others in China

A young Chinese man who resisted the efforts of a Christian volunteer to share Christ is now leading others to the Savior.

“Don’t talk to me about God!” Those were the words that Drake (not his real name), a young Chinese man, emphatically uttered the first time he was offered a gentle witness by the volunteer.

The next day at lunch, he broached the subject by mentioning that he had read the Bible before, but “it didn’t make sense.” Then he stated that he was going to read it again.

Later that week, Drake had the opportunity to watch the “Jesus” film.

The Christian volunteer’s trip ended and she returned to the United States with thanksgiving for what she had experienced, but with a burden for the young man who had resisted her witness.

A few days later, Drake told another Christian worker that he had prayed for Jesus to enter his heart. Thrilled at the news, the worker invited him to a discipleship session.

Drake showed up with a friend who had also seen the “Jesus” film. That night the friend also asked Jesus to enter her heart. Drake arrived at the second discipleship session with another friend in tow, and she also accepted Christ.

On the fourth evening of discipleship, Drake brought three other friends and two classmates. By the end of the evening, there were five more believers.

As the patter of evangelism, discipleship and church planting continues, one is reminded that even though the volunteer teacher wasn’t there to reap the harvest, she most certainly was an important part of sowing the seed that has resulted in more than one life changed for eternity.
