New Hope Baptist Church celebrates 150th anniversary

New Hope Baptist Church celebrates 150th anniversary

On Oct. 28, New Hope Baptist Church, Skipperville, in Dale Baptist Association, celebrated its 150th anniversary.

Rick Lance, executive director of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions, was the guest speaker for the special service.

Ron Jackson and the church choir both shared special music. Jimmy Riley played the fiddle and Andy Martin played piano.

Former pastors and their wives were recognized, and the pastors shared memories from their time at the church. They also recognized those that were married, baptized and ordained at New Hope Baptist. They recognized the oldest member, Bill Grantham, and the youngest member, Sophie Barefield.

Certificates were presented to the church by Lance and Ellen Dewberry from the Alabama Baptist Historical Commission.

Memorabilia such as hymnals, photos and church minutes were on display.

“The anniversary committee met for 14 months planning the celebration,” Pastor Jud Waldrop said. “Everything came together better than expected.” (Jessica Ingram)