Anticipating all that God is going to do through the new ministry resource center for Winston Baptist Association churches — that’s what Director of Missions Don Smith has been up to lately. That and putting the finishing touches on the new multimedia center with specialized training rooms and space for special events.
Smith gathered with staff members and lay leaders of churches from Winston Association for a night of dedication and celebration Aug. 4 at First Baptist Church, Double Springs.
Tours of the new ministry resource center took place during the afternoon and included a spread of treats provided by area church volunteers.
Smith and his ministry assistant Sandy Tingle have been officing out of First, Double Springs, during the construction phase so Smith thanked pastor Phillip Twilley with a special plaque during the service.
Rick Lance, executive director of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions (SBOM), preached the evening sermon from Acts 1:4–11 and outlined the goal for Christians until Christ returns:
- Wait for His promise.
- Witness with His power.
- Work His plan.
- Worship His presence.
“We are finishing the work of Jesus because we have the Holy Spirit in us,” Lance said. “We are waiting with a sense of hopeful anticipation with the promise God has given us in Jesus.
“The Spirit is not limited. The Spirit will fulfill you and do ministry through you,” he said. “We are involved in reaching the world for Jesus Christ no matter how old we are or how long we’ve been a Christian.”
Also participating in the celebration service were James Nelson, worship leader of First, Double Springs; Adam Rogers, worship pastor for First Baptist Church, Arley; a combined choir from Winston Association churches; and Roger White, pastor of First, Arley. (Jennifer Davis Rash)
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