

Although I am Catholic, my wife is a former Southern Baptist and as such I on occasion read your paper.

That being said, I am writing in response to an article by Greg Heyman in the July 19 issue of The Alabama Baptist concerning the Selma prayer walking team.

I realize the writer was merely reporting the facts, so I am not necessarily criticizing his judgment or article in and of itself. Rather, I am criticizing the quotes and attitudes expressed by team members.

They mentioned that whenever they saw a steeple in Spain they stopped to pray because they knew it was Catholic and not Baptist.

As I said, I am Catholic and I love the Lord as much if not more than many Baptists.

My church has taught me the love of God, the death and resurrection of Christ, salvation in Christ and the Importance of both prayer and the Holy Scriptures. Perhaps the members of the Selma prayer walking team find these to be contrary to the Scriptures. If so, all I can do is pray for them.

Christ prayed that we might be one and all their comments did was go against what Christ taught and prayed for.

Scott Kaczmarowski
Huntsville, Ala.