Opp Baptists knock on 2,700 doors during blitz

Opp Baptists knock on 2,700 doors during blitz

For the first time in the history of Southside Baptist Church, Opp, in Covington Baptist Association, church members touched the door of every home in the Opp city limits. During the six-and-a-half week outreach event that kicked off Aug. 6 — called City Blitz — more than 80 church members knocked on the doors of more than 2,700 homes, making contact with about 1,500 families and leaving brochures for the rest. And when the church year closed Aug. 31, Southside Baptist had recorded 55 baptisms — a record number for the church — and 43 other additions in the past year. “The membership of Southside has some celebrating to do,” Pastor Tommy Fountain said.

“God has His hand upon this congregation.” According to Fountain, several factors have contributed to the church’s growing trend, including an emphasis on Bible teaching, women’s ministry, preschool and van ministries, new Sunday School classes and a 12-piece band that leads in worship. A Ladies Night Out event twice a year has also become a “main attraction” for area women, he said.